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Point of Sale Solutions

Point-3: Purchase Orders

The Purchase Orders module is responsible for the ordering of stock and keeping track of those orders until they are fulfilled or deleted from the system. For minimum data entry it is integrated into the Stock and Accounts Payable modules.

From the stock data this module produces a recommended Purchase Order which may then be changed if required. It may then be printed or you may use the internal fax facility to fax it direct to your supplier by fax modem.

Orders can be created by five different methods. The standard method is to order according to the re-order points in the stock system. This means that if the stock holding of an item has decremented to the minimum level as set in the stock system, the Purchase Orders module will order sufficient to bring the stock level up to the normal (maximum) level.

Another choice is to order as a top up. By this method the Purchase Orders module will order sufficient to bring the stock holding up to the maximum level even if the stock holding hasn't reached the re-order level yet. This option may be used for items which you can't afford to run out of, especially during busy periods.

A third choice is Out of Stock re-order. Whether the boss has been on holidays or for whatever reason things have fallen apart, this is crisis management! This emergency order may not give you optimum stock holding but it will give you some of all stock back on the shelf and get you operating quickly and give you time to sort out the crisis.

The next method is to re-order the amount used. This is useful when you begin your business and don't have a history of what to order. It is also helpful later on to replace, on a daily or weekly basis any fast moving or new stock. You may order the amount used on the last day or the last week or the last month. This option totally ignores re-order points and the quantity already on order.

The last option is a completely manual order where you choose what to order. This can be done at the keyboard of the computer or by using a portable data entry unit. While this is completely manual all orders can be changed or added to / deleted from at your option.

The total number on order and the most recent order date are recorded against each stock item and may be seen on the stock maintenance screen.

You may change an order as required and save and reprint it at any time. Any changed items are marked with an asterisk on the screen and printout to easily identify them.

Delivery address, three lines of special instructions, freight company and account number, and contact person are all recorded on each order.

In the Accounts Payable module simply enter the order number when the invoice is received and the entire order will be loaded into the invoice body saving the time of re-entering data. The Accounts Payable module will let you change the order according to the actual goods received and the Purchase Orders module will remember the items not received. When the invoice has been completed you will be given the option to delete or hold the remainder of the order.

You can print outstanding orders at any time, and delete old orders when no longer required.

The same hand held PDE unit as used for stocktaking can be used to order goods with this module.